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Async functions with reduce

The reduce function iteratively constructs a value and returns it, which is not necessarily a collection. That's where the name comes from, as it reduces a collection to a value.

The iteratee function gets the previous result, called memo in the examples below, and the current value, e.

The following function sums the elements, starting with 0 (the second argument of reduce):

const arr = [1, 2, 3];

const syncRes = arr.reduce((memo, e) => {
  return memo + e;
}, 0);

// 6
memo        e        result
0 (initial)11
33(end result) 6


The reduce function

Asynchronous reduce

An async version is almost the same, but it returns a Promise on each iteration, so memo will be the Promise of the previous result. The iteratee function needs to await it in order to calculate the next result:

// utility function for sleeping
const sleep = (n) => new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, n));

const arr = [1, 2, 3];

const asyncRes = await arr.reduce(async (memo, e) => {
  await sleep(10);
  return (await memo) + e;
}, 0);

// 6
memo        e        result
0 (initial)1Promise(1)
Promise(3)3(end result) Promise(6)


Async reduce function

With the structure of async (memo, e) => await memo, the reduce can handle any async functions and it can be awaited.


Concurrency has an interesting property when it comes to reduce. In the synchronous version, elements are processed one-by-one, which is not surprising as they rely on the previous result. But when an async reduce is run, all the iteratee functions start running in parallel and wait for the previous result (await memo) only when needed.

await memo last

In the example above, all the sleeps happen in parallel, as the await memo, which makes the function to wait for the previous one to finish, comes later.

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